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Question: The Legend of human kind!?
Once I was small, my mother told me a tall story!. There were 5 types of colour skin of human, the white, the black, the red(red indian), the yellow( Asian) and the green!. But after a disaster, the race of the green were wiped clean!. There were only 4 types of human now!. Is this story really tall!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is a German legend about two green-skinned children coming out of a hole in the earth - the implication being they came from some other plane of existence, or perhaps another planet, and that they arrived here by some strange catastrophe!. This same story seems to have been transposed to other places by storyteller-travellers!. In the legend one child soon died and the other gradually lost the green skin hue!. Otherwise, no credible reports or evidence from history or pre-history of green-skinned humans!.
Attributing red as the skin color of 'red Indians' is also mistaken as the term 'red' was applied because of the red paint applied to their face and bodies by American aboriginal people!. Of course we already know why they were termed 'Indians'!. Their actual skin color is more of a light bronze-brown!.
This story is just that, and can confidently be moved into fairytale lore alongside Jack and the beanstalk and Cinderella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cool, funny story!.
But there are only THREE "types" of humans, as far as pathology is concerned:
N e g r o i d (notice how I had to spell that with spaces!? Yahoo thinks it's a bad word!)

Are Mariah Carey and Alex Rodriguez "white" or "black"!? They can put what ever they want on their census forms, but once they are dead and an examiner can measure their features, one might turn out to be N e g r o i d and the other might be Caucasoid, yet they have the same skin color!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was born green, but later turned kinda pinkish-white!. My mom said not to tell anyone about being green because everyone knows how tasty green people are and I would be eaten!.

"It isn't easy being green" - Kermit The FrogWww@QuestionHome@Com

Extremely tall!. Your mother is clever and knows how to entertain a child well if you still remember this!.
So, why did you ask!?Www@QuestionHome@Com