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Position:Home>History> When did the cotton diplomacy begin in the Civil War?

Question: When did the cotton diplomacy begin in the Civil War!?
What year did the Confederacy begin the cotton diplomacy!? Was it in 1861, when the Civil War started, or later on in the Civil War, 10 pts!. for whoever helps me first!. Please and thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
um what i can remember is that the south thought cotton was king during the war because they thought the europeans would need their cotton and would help the southerners fight the northerners so that they could get their cotton!.
but the southerners were wrong and europe didnt really care!.
not sure about what your saying, i really dont know!.

Edit!.!.!.no i didnt misunderstand you, i just dont no the answer!. sorry my bad, actually i can check because i think its in my notes!.

okay cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney in 1793!.!.!. (dont no if thats cotton diplomacy though)!.!.!. sorry thats all i got!.Www@QuestionHome@Com