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Position:Home>History> While Europeans regarded land as property, Native Americans _____?

Question: While Europeans regarded land as property, Native Americans _____!?
While Europeans regarded land as property, Native Americans _____
a!.) used land as a bargaining tool
b!.) willed their private lands to other members of their clan!.
c!.) bought and sold land in exchange for shells and precious metals!.
d!.) believed that land could not be owned, traded, or sold!.

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
While Europeans regarded land as property, Native Americans _____

d!.) believed that land could not be owned, traded, or sold!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

D!. When the whites wanted to bargain for their land, they were a little confused since they had no concept of land ownership!.

They felt that they just lived on the land communally!. To paraphrase a famous Native American (I believe it was Tecumseh), he said that if you sell the land, you might as well sell the air and the water as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

D!. And they also viewed land in a paternalistic way!. Good word to throw in, buti t basically means that they were there to care for the land and live with it, as all their ancestors are part of the land!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

D is the correct answer!. Native Americans considered themselves as guardians and caretakers of the land, which belonged to the SpiritsWww@QuestionHome@Com

d, of course!. Land was life in and of itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

