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Position:Home>History> Why Did Member of the KKK Burn Crosses....?

Question: Why Did Member of the KKK Burn Crosses!.!.!.!.!?
As a history nerd, I was taking time to learn about the Civil Rights movement and of course the KKK was mentioned!. But I realized something that I never really understood - why did they burn crosses!? During the middle of the century, the KKK went against everything that wasn't "traditional" and "Christian", but to burn crosses seems to kinda contradic that, no!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The KKK site below says its an "ancient symbol of White racial victory over tyranny" and that "we don't burn the cross, we light the cross"

Its all a delusion!. They want to flaunt their "power" and be intimidating, when in fact they are scared and weak-minded!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a holder over from the clans of Scotland!. In middle ages Scotland, when a clan, or family from area, was threatened, they would either light a cross on a hill or else carry a light and burning small cross from one community or collection of huts to the next, telling people their homes and families were under threat!. The KKK saw the newly found equality with African-Americans to be a major threat to their way of life, so they burned crosses to say that they were under threat!. For the African-American, however, it said that their presence or their strength was going to be challenged!. It could be the first step moving toward lynching!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

John B's answer may be right on the money, I'm not sure!. I do know that many of the KKK groups see this as "The Light of Christ"!. they see Negroes, Jews, Catholics and most other races and nationalities as "evil" or "anti-Christ" typesWww@QuestionHome@Com