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Position:Home>History> The italian renaissance?

Question: The italian renaissance!?
what are some cause and effects of the italian renaissance beginning!? how was this event significant in shaping the modern world!? please help 10points and best answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the italian renaissance is nothing more than the Renaissance itself!. There were advancements in art (michealanglo, etc!.), literature, history,and especially science!. The printing press was introduced to the europeans and books became more widely read!. The Renaissance brought and end to the Dark Ages of Europe and led to the creation of many works of art and literature still famous today!. umm!.!.!. if you need more info comment back and i'll see what i can find!. otherwise try wikipedia or a website like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com