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Position:Home>History> Why did italy attack germany?

Question: Why did italy attack germany!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
After Italy's capitulation in 1943, the new interim monarchist government did declare war on Germany!. Two reasons: 1- They wanted to eject German troops and Nazi influence from their country, and 2- The Allies told them to, or they would get nothing (territory, economic help etc) post-war!.
The popular view promulgated post-war with the desire to get Italy re-armed and into NATO was that all the Italians were fed up with Fascism, and immediately joined forces with the Brits/Americans their natural allies, and drove the Germans back (but never really "out" of) through Italy!.
In actuality, quite a few Italian units especially airborne continued to fight with the Germans against the Allies until the end of the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This happened after the Allied forces took most of Italy in the summer of 1943!. So it wasn't actually Mussolini declaring war on Germany!. In fact, Mussolini had been captured by the
Allies, rescued by the Germans & he re-established a fascist government in northern Italy!. So it would have been a new Italian government, sympathetic to the Allies, that declared was on Germany!.

"On 25 July 1943, the Grand Council of Fascism ousted Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and a new Italian government, led by General Pietro Badoglio and King Victor Emmanuel III, took over in Italy!. The new Italian government immediately began secret negotiations with the Allies to end the fighting and to come over to the Allied side!. On 3 September, a secret armistice was signed with the Allies at Fairfield Camp in Sicily!. The armistice was announced on 8 September!. By then, the Allies were on the Italian mainland!."

"Italy was invaded by Allies in June 1943 leading to the collapse of the fascist regime and the arrest of Mussolini!. In September 1943, Italy surrendered!. Immediately Germany invaded its former ally with the country becoming a battlefield for the rest of the war!. The country was liberated on April 25, 1945!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd sure like to know!.
also when, where, how, why and how'd they make out!.
I think you might have screwed up a few things before you posted your question!.

I know they (the Italians) DID fight the Germans (most of them, at least) after we kicked the Germans out of Italy - but I thought you asked when did Italy invade Germany!? To my rather extensive knowledge, it never did!.

Thanks for the intelligent synopsis, Jim!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you are confused!.
Italy was an ally of Germany from the start of WW2 until they capitulated to the Allies in September 1943 when the Germans were left to resist the Allied advanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

is this about WW2Www@QuestionHome@Com