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Position:Home>History> Was america in the 1860's really any more advanced than ancient rome was?

Question: Was america in the 1860's really any more advanced than ancient rome was!?
The only two useful technology improvments I see in america at that time are steam engines and firearms, and in any other aspect Rome would appear to be much more advanced, making the general structure of american society in the 1860's appear almost primitive, what is your opinion!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Without spouting off individual properties, think about the industrialization of the North and the onset of the Civil war and the causes!.
When looking for horses, don't look for zebras, look for horses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, America in 1860 was more advanced!. A key item: movable type!!! In ancient Rome, everything readable had to be copied by hand laboriously!.

Far more advanced manufacturing techniques, in which we had interchangeable parts so things could be made in large quantities quickly via assembly line!.

The telegraph! Allowing near instantaneous communication between large distances!.

The industrial revolution was really in full swing by this point, too, with inventions coming fast and furious!.

Advanced smelting techniques!.

I'm sure I can think of more!.

advanced ceramics
far more of the world had been explored
advances in crop development
animal husbandry
advanced production techniques like the cotton gin
mathematically, we had the zero, which Romans didn't, we had all of the Newtonian laws

Because of all these things, people and ideas could spread faster than ever before!. things could be produced faster and cheaper than ever before, making people everywhere able to advance and communicate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a joke!? you were there!? man its 2008, how do you view 1860s from this date!?

primitive!? or advanced!?

234 AD !? or 01 AD!? think like a ancient, and yes you are!

america in 1860s was a vibrant, complex and divided society!.

so why trivialize it because you desire to compare it with a pagan civilization that thrived on oppression and never recognized slavery as inhumane treatment!?

i like your question, it got me worked up! thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What about the camera!?
Google Matthew BradyWww@QuestionHome@Com