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Position:Home>History> How did the Native American situation affect America starting with the Jacksonia

Question: How did the Native American situation affect America starting with the Jacksonian Democracy!?
I am doing a history paper and I am really confused with the question!. I know about the Native American's situation I just don't know how it had affected America!. Can somebody please help me out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'll take a stab at it!.!.!.first of all "manifest destiny" was a hallmark of the jacksonian democracy!. the belief it was americas destiney to settle n!.america from coast to coast and obtain any and all natural resouces by any means!. I suppose a good part of the west was inhabited by many tribes, with their way of life intact,healthy and ready to oppose any such intrutions on what was their land!. so the govt had to justify genocide for the good of the nation!.
The whig party opposed such ideas but lost out,dividing the political process!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very simple solution: try reading the opening chapters of I Buried My Heart at Wounded Knee!. It's about the Wounded Knee massacre, but the opening chapters give a good, concise, and very accurate history of interaction between Indian tribes and the early U!.S!. government!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know why it was referred to as the Jacksonian Democracy!. I can tell you that Indians scalped and killed my great great great great grandfather and kidnapped his kids!.

They were just a bleep in our history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com