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Position:Home>History> History Help.. American History... =]?

Question: History Help!.!. American History!.!.!. =]!?
Need help with these questions!.!.!.

1!. What region did most of the country's cotton grow on!?
2!. What is Charleston Savanna!?
3!. What effects did the Kansas-Nebraska Act make!?
4!. What is a factor!?
5!. The 5th amendment said that slaves were property!. Is this true or false!?

thkx :) i really appreciate your help!.!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. the South
2!. i think that it might be a dance in the 1920's
3!. the kansas-nebraska act states that people can settle into kansas or nebraska as a free state or a slave state
4!.factor= what contributes to something
5!. false!.Www@QuestionHome@Com