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Position:Home>History> In world war II and I Were there only males who were fighting?

Question: In world war II and I Were there only males who were fighting!?
Cause I was reading these poems on remembrance day, they only mentioned the men and not any women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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yes, there were women fighting in WW1!. The Russian Army had women's battalions who were known as the Battalions of Death!. also some women fought as individuals, like the englishwoman Flora Sandes for instance!. Many women served as nurses, doctors, and ambulance drivers!. i don't know if any women actually fought during WW2, but certainly many women served as nurses and in the auxilliary services, and there were casualties amongst them!. There have always been plenty of female casualties in wars!. It is a pity there are not any Remembrance Day poems that mention them!.

The commen that says that no women fought in any war before Vietnam is quite untrue!. women have fought in all wars throughout history!. In the American Civil War, for instance, about 400 women disguised themselves as men in order to fight!. many women also served as spies and intelligence gatherers on both sides!. And there were large numbers of women serving as nurses, they were not "very rare" as a comment above suggests!. About 3,000 women were serving as professional nurses during the Civil War, and many more as volunteers!. There were women doctors in the Civil War too, a surgeon called Mary Walker became the first and only woman to win the congressional Medal of Honour for her bravery under fire at Gettysburgh and other battles!. Women had also fought during the Revolutionary War, one of them, Margaret Corbin, is buried at West Point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many women served as auxiliaries to their military services!. Some were actual combatants!.

If you saw the movie Enemy at the Gates about the Battle of Stalingrad, you saw the story of Vasily Grigoryevich Zaytsev who was a male Soviet sniper during World War II, He killed 225 soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht and other Axis armies, including 11 enemy snipers!. Zaytsev had made 242 verified kills, but the real number may be much higher!.

The all time champ among Soviet snipers was Ludmilla Pavlichenko whose confirmed kills totaled 309 Germans plus 2 Rumanians!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The USA did not actively involve female members of the armed forces in combat roles!. However; there were numerous situations specifically in the South Pacific Theater, where women (nurses,admin) were caught in situations that made them POWs!. In Europe one only need look to the underground that operated in France,Belgium and other German occupied countries!. Many women lost their lives defending their countries as members of this organization!. In England the majority of the losses occurred from the bombings!.
In the USA women played an extremely important role in supplying the front lines of the war with necessary equipment!. They built the tank, aircraft, made the uniforms and sacrificed comfort items so the men on the front lines could have needed supplies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fighting a war need not involve actually pulling a trigger, transporting men, weapons and materiel; directing aircraft or ships to a target; caring for the wounded; espionage and analysis of intelligence; making ammunition, weapons and uniforms; working on farms; are amongst some of the occupations which are essential to fighting a war of the scale of the First and Second World Wars and carried out by women!. Remembrance Day was originally dedicated to the memory of members of the armed forces killed in war it has since been broadened in scope to include many other vital occupations and not confined to those killed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there were many women fighting!. Actual soldiers were men, but many partisans were women!. there were also many women in the armed forces, althoough usually in noncombatint roles!. such as drivers and nurses!. There is also the possibality that some women disguised themselves as men to become soldiers, I know it happened during the American Civil War, and WWI, but not sure about WWII!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

During WWII in Russia there were companies of women, usually in the gun and anti aircraft sections!. They were pitiless concerning prisoners and terrified the Nazis!.
In the US women pilots were used to transport planes!. They were not allowed on the front but replaced their male brethren in flying planes from factory to ports or even to England for the long range planes!. They also worked as nurses (way more than claimed above) but in the hospitals in the back!.
In the UK you had the WAAFs, they did not serve as aircrew!. The use of women pilots was limited to the Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA), which was civilian!. Neither did they participate in active combat, though they were exposed to the same dangers as any on the "home front" working at military installations!. They were active in parachute packing and the manning of barrage balloons in addition to performing catering, meteorology, radar, transport, telephonic and telegraphic duties!.
There was an ambulance unit made entirely of women, called the Rochambelles, with the French 2nd BD after D-Day who regularly drove under fire to retrieve the wounded!.
There were women who disguised themselves as men to fight in military units, usually hiding from the officers with the help of the other male soldiers!.
In the Resistance all over Europe women fought with their male counterpart!. They were mostly used as couriers since a woman was less likely to be stopped than a man, carrying messages, guns, hiding people, and such, but many took up weapons and explosives and went out to fight!. If they were caught they would suffer the same fate as the men, torture and concentration camp, their families arrested and sent there too!.

However, since none of those women were military front line fighters (except for the Russians and those hiding as men) they are never acknowledged in official celebrations except for the Resistance remembrance ceremonies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, only men fought in EVERY war up to Vietnam!. There were Women corpsmen however, they were like battle-field doctors!.

Answer mine, please!? http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.

EDIT- NO woman FOUGHT in ANY U!.S!. WAR until after Vietnam!. There were nurses, but even these were VERY RARE!.

EDIT 2-To Louise C, I think the question was about the United States!. That's what is wrong with this country!. We have to add lies to history to make everyone feel good!. The simple fact is that the United States Armed Forces did NOT allow women into COMBAT in ANY WAR until AFTER Vietnam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com