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Position:Home>History> Did Fidel Castro have anything to do with John F Kennedy's Death?

Question: Did Fidel Castro have anything to do with John F Kennedy's Death!?
Did he!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
anyone who purports to know the answer to your question is making a pure guess!.!.!.!.there are those who claim it was in retaliation for the bay of pigs in 1961, there are those who say castro was retaliating for attempts on his life, there are those who say it was lyndon johnson, or the mafia, or the cia, or the russians, theories abound!.!.!.we may never know for sure, but independent tests show it was oswald!.!.!.though i can't say i completely agree with that conclusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We will probably never know the truth!. Nixon and J!. Edgar Hoover were also in Dallas when Kennedy was murdered!. See below!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


But I'll give you a hint, Executive!. order no!. 11110!. Research it , you 'll be glad you did!.


Yes, and 9/11 !.!.!.and he was the one who decided to invade Iraq!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com