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Position:Home>History> It is fear, but surely have no respect ? is it true or false?

Question: It is fear, but surely have no respect !? is it true or false!?
my friend said that America is not respected by other nations!. The other nations are in a grip of fear over America!. (it is not my view, since i don't know politics and i am poor in the world history knowledge)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We have lost a lot of respect in the world, but I don't think fear has much to do with it!. Many other countries know what some of us in the US have always known: George W!. Bush is an idiot!. He embarrasses our country on the world stage!.
also, the US tends to be arrogant!. Everyone should do things our way, speak our language, etc!.
Europe, in particular, cannot understand why the fundies get to dictate policy!. Nobody there is arguing over evolution!. It makes us look ridiculous, and you don't get much respect if you look ridiculous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fear breeds respect!.
Many Europeans respect us for what we did for them in the past - like pulling their a**es out of WWII!.
Nowadays things are a bit muddled - and many foreign countries are looking down their noses at us because, in a democracy, things get muddled from time to time and they think we're a bunch of saps!. They should reevaluate their opinions, or, we won't be there the next time THEY get in a jam!.
No other nation should be in a "grip of fear" of the U!.S!. We're not about to start nuking France anytime soon - but they should respect our capabilities and that which we have to offer!.
I am SO SICK of Europeans bashing us I could spit!. Things over there ARE NOT so great - at least we're not Socialists - and I haven't heard of any large scale riots in at least 40 years!.
Get some information from RELIABLE sources and read it!. Do your best to learn and form your OWN opinion and not rely on someone elses - someone who might have their own agenda!.
We're really AWFUL people!. Our men die to bring freedom to people we've never met, Century after Century!.
If other nations do not respect and, perhaps, fear us - they do so at their own peril!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nowadays things are a bit muddled - and many foreign countries are looking down their noses at us because, in a democracy, things get muddled from time to time and they think we're a bunch of saps!. They should reevaluate their opinions, or, we won't be there the next time THEY get in a jam!.
No other nation should be in a "grip of fear" of the U!.S!. We're not about to start nuking France anytime soon - but they should respect our capabilities and that which we have to offer!.
I am SO SICK of Europeans bashing us I could spit!. Things over there ARE NOT so great - at least we're not Socialists - and I haven't heard of any large scale riots in at least 40 years!.
Get some information from RELIABLE sources and read it!. Do your best to learn and form your OWN opinion and not rely on someone elses - someone who might have their own agenda!.
We're really AWFUL people!. Our men die to bring freedom to people we've never met, Century after Century!.Www@QuestionHome@Com