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Position:Home>History> Was there a difference in the way older and younger jewish people were treated i

Question: Was there a difference in the way older and younger jewish people were treated in world war two!?
Was there a difference in the way older and younger jewish people were treated in world war two!? i do know that really young children were sent straight to gas chambers but were there any other differences!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Primarily, the difference was!.!.!.were you the right age to work, and were you healthy enough to work!? People younger than 15 were at risk, and many Jews falsified documents for their older kids in order to give them a chance to survive, adding years to their true age!. It worked the same way on the opposite end, with senior citizens shaving years from their age and doing their best to hide infirmities!. If you could work, you got on a work detail, which in most cases gave you an extra 6 months or so before you were gassed!. If you couldn't, you were at risk for being gassed as soon as they could put you on a train to an extermination camp!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I havent heard a difference ether!. I heard they did some disturbing things with babies and bayonetts, gas chambers, long nonstop marches, and starving of the jewish people!.
(the babies and bayonetts i havent confirmed on the internet or anything just something i heard from family members might have just been propaganda to make the Germans look worse!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anyone that was weak and unable to support the camp was terminated!. That usually included the old, sick and the young!. Dr!. Josef Mengele did experiments with children, especially twins!. No one was really safe unless you had a specific skill that could benefit the Nazis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The young men and woman were used as slaves to build whatever Hitler wanted built!. Those who cannot work hard labor were sent to the gas chambers!. That would be old timers, children, the sick, the injured and any other group that excludes these people from working!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've never heard of any difference!. Tragically, they tried to wipe out all Jews, disabled, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com