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Position:Home>History> When else could Abraham Lincoln have written the Emancipation Proclamation?

Question: When else could Abraham Lincoln have written the Emancipation Proclamation!?
im doing it for a school project and i need to turn this paper in by monday april 28th!.!.!.!.so plz get answers in as soon as possible!.!.!.!.i know what was occuring when he wrote it but im not sure as to when else he couldve wrote it!.!.!.!.im a 13 year old seeking for the answer to the question!.!.!.!.ASAP
thanks for your timeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lincoln could not have picked a better time to put forward the Emancipation Proclamation!. With a Confederate retreat in it's first invasion of the North and in dire hopes of establishing political and possibly military ties with Britian, the proclamation turned the war of the rebellion into something much deeper then a Southern War of Independence!. The British were politicaly forced to look at the Northern cause as one that was fighting not only for the preservation of the Union but also against the institution of slavery, a n institution which Britian had abolished!. The Emancipation, if released any earlier would have caused troubles in with support of the war in the North as many northerners, although against slavery, were ill prepared to send fathers, lovers, sons and husbands to a war to "win the freedom" of the "nego race"!. Lincoln had to play the "preservation of the Union card" to gain early political support to supress the rebelion in the South!. It must also be remembered that Lincoln did in fact lose partial support from Northerns after the proclamation for the reasons mentioned above!.!.!.!.although many Northerns were against slavery, they were not prepared to die for it's end!. Remember too that the proclamation did not end slavery in the " United States", that amendment to the Constitution would come later, but freed slaves in the "Confederate States" thus making runaway slaves war contriband and thus not returnable to the slaveholders who lost their "property"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lincoln wants the Emancipation be written for quite sometimes but Union just didnt have success in battle field to push it ahead!. When Lee's troop enter Northern soil, it caused a battle at Sharksburg in which Lee's army werent able to defeat McClellan and were forced to retreat!. McClellan could of chase the confederates but held back!. Regardless, it was the right time for Lincoln to pass the Proclamation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lincoln wanted to issue the proclamation right after a big union victory so it would not look like a desperate act!. He chose Antietam, a very costly battle and not as decisive as he would have wished!. If he had waited until July of the next year (1863), Gettysburg and Vicksburg would have provided a much bigger Union advantage to use, if he could have withstood the political pressure until then!.Www@QuestionHome@Com