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Question: I need help with JFK's legacy!?
I have to write a thesis on the legacy of JFK, but I don't know what legacy I should talk about, should I do something about how he was an inspiration to America or something about the cold war!? I'm clueless any help!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
JFK's legacy in part, is his charisma!. He was very telegenic (something that helped him win the 1960 election)!. He was a good speaker, very inspirational (if you haven't read his inaugural address, you should - it's AMAZING!) He didn't really care that much about domestic policy (America was doing okay so this was not a bad thing) He focused on foreign policy (cold war crisis)!. Some things - although the Bay of Pigs invasion was a complete and total failure, the Cuban Missile Crisis showed that the US will not back down!. In Germany - when Kruschev threatened war unless JFK pulled Western troops out of Western Germany, JFK did NOT back down - he sent more troops, which led to the construction of the Berlin War >> but this showed that JFK is not a sissy who'll be pushed arround!. He wasn't that much of civil rights activist (although his brother, and VP Johnson did a lot for the movement) - this was because he thought it could split the Democratic party & hurt his chances for reelection!. You should also know that although he was a good president, he wasn't considered GREAT until his death!. His assasination definitely made him a martyr, and it wasn't until then that he was compared to the "greats" (washington, lincoln & FDR)!. It's your own opinion to say whether or not his legacy lives up to what people say - because he only was in office for like 3 years! But he's compared to all those great presidents, so it's your place to choose!. Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

His presidency coincided with the two highlights of the Cold War: the building of the Berlin Wall and the Missile Crisis!. Look up his speech by the Berlin Wall in June, 1963, where he said one of his most famous lines: Ich bin ein Berliner!. It's an amazing speech!. I don't say this just because I'm German!. In fact, you can look up any of his speeches!. He was an incredible orator!.
By the way, he is the US president most admired in the rest of the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com