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Position:Home>History> What were the reasons slavery was abolished across the americas ?

Question: What were the reasons slavery was abolished across the americas !?
by the americas i mean the US, central, and south america!. Thanks !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. An emerging ideological consensus that slavery was wrong based on three strands of thought:

a!. the notion that slavery was incompatible with Christianity
b!. Enlightenment thought that slavery was incompatible with inherant human rights
c!. emerging capitalist thought that slavery was inherantly inefficient economically and that people work harder under a market system!.

Add to this the inherant insecturity of a slave system due to the already present danger of slave revolt and the fact that large portions of the Americas were governed by Europe, so that the interests of the slaveholders were not heavily represented in the bodies that governed a country!. For example, British Parliament abolished slavery in the Britist West Indies, not the British West Indies themselves!.

Only in the United States was the abolition accompanied by such a bloody war!.

The standard account of this is a very very long book THE PROBLEM OF SLAVERY IN THE AGE OF REVOLUTION by David Brion Davis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hopefully, because it's a barbaric practice and it was the correct action to take!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

would u agree to become a slave and any other be ur master!?
just think of it and u will definately get answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com