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Position:Home>History> Did people need a permit to move to another village in the UK?

Question: Did people need a permit to move to another village in the UK!?
This may relate to the 1700'sWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. If poor people travelled, their new parish would become liable for their upkeep if they fell on hard times!. They would require a Certificate of Settlement issued by their home parish!. This would guarantee that the person would be taken back into their care if necessary in the future!. There were other ways to obtain rights of settlement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Many people did move around in the 1700s!. Serfdom was long over (despite what another of the answers to this question says)!. Far fewer people owned their own smallholdings, as they had done in medieval times, and more were employed as agricultural labourers!. This meant they were less self-sufficient than they had been in medieval times, and were wage eaners rather than being semi-independent as medieval peasants had been!. They could move from place to place and from job to job if they wanted to or needed to!. No permit was required!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not as I understand it but most peasants were tide to the local lord who let them farm the land in order to feed themselves and their families!.They had to part with a cetain amount of their crop each year to the landlord as tax and rent of the land!.
This made it difficult to move villages as your would have to come to an agreement with a new lord who had a property spare!.
Serfdom was a way of controlling the masses and maintaining the status quo which benefitted only the rich and powerful and the monarch!.
Not too much difference from today if you replace the lord of the manor with the name of a large company!.
It was as a reaction to this system that the labour party eventually came to exist at the turn of the19th century as the political voice of the trade union movement!. The trades unions themselves having grown from the system of skilled workers joining together to form "wrights"!.
The struggle for freedom for the working man in this country has been a long and hard one over hundreds of years starting with Magna Carter in 1215 and we are in danger of letting it slip back towards serfdom with the blind following of the large conglomerates who control our politicians!.
I am no rabid left winger but I have a knowledge of social and economic history and the lessons of the past should never be ignored!.
All working people should have trade union membership to protect the rights that have been won for you by the struggles of your forebears!.
And if you don't like your Unions position on a subject then you can have your say to change it or become a rep to change it- but don't ever think that a union is a bad thing to have in your workplace!.
Unity is strength--"United we stand"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never heard of anyone needing a permit to move into a village!. I know lots of people who have moved into villages with out any problems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe if you look in Wikipedia you can find the answer to your question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com