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Question: What is Baroque music and when did it start!?
What is Baroque music and when did it!.!.!.what era!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It lasted from the late Renaissance about 1600 until the early classical era about 1750!.

Music from the Baroque period is the earliest European music which we still generally recognize, whether it be the theme from Masterpiece Theatre (Mouret's Suite de Symphonie), the "Hallelujah Chorus" from Handel's Messiah, or any number of other pieces!. Most of the Baroque musical instruments and forms which evolved during the Baroque period survive today, particularly as they were embodied in the most familiar European art music, the music of the Classical and Romantic periods of the nineteenth century!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Baroque Music - the link below will take you to Youtube and the Baroque Music section !. !. !. !.


The last great composer of what could be called Baroque was George Freddy Handel Esq!. Here is a link to possibly his best known work - Hellelulia Chorus from Messiah - this time sung in German and in my opinion one of the very best ever versions of the work!. !. !. !.


So inspired was HM King George II when he heard the Hallelulia Chorus for the first time that he sprang to his feet and stood throughout the piece!. Ever since then people have stood for the Hallelulia Chorus - it is a magnificent work!.

More details information about Baroque Music can be found at the sites below : -

BAROQUE MUSIC PAGE: biogs, pictures, music samples
THE COMPLETE BAROQUE MUSIC PAGE: articles, composer biographies, portraits, music
samples!. All you need in 50plus well-documented sub-pages!.
http://www!.baroquemusic!.org/ - Cached

Baroque Music - definition, historical context, geography, religious and royal
http://www!.baroquemusic!.org/bardefn!.html - Cached

Baroque music - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Baroque music describes an era and a set of styles of European classical music
which were in widespread use between approximately 1600 and 1750!. !.!.!.
http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Baroque_mus!.!.!. - Cached

Baroque Music
[fan site] Brief introduction to the music, major composers, woodwind instruments;
a few MIDI samples!.

A Baroque Music Sampler - over two hours of music!
Samples of Baroque and Bach Music from the Baroque Music Club catalog!. Order direct
through the internet!.
http://www!.baroquecds!.com/musamples!.html - Cached

Baroque Music
This is exactly how it was with the Baroque Era of Music!. !.!.!.!. Baroque music is
full of these same conflicts, contrasts, and overblown distinctions!. !.!.!.
http://www!.sesk!.org/Aesthetics/Music/Bar!.!.!. - Cached

Baroque Music - Part One
During the era of Baroque music, European civilization emerged to a preeminence
on the planet which was to endure into the twentieth century!. !.!.!.
http://trumpet!.sdsu!.edu/m345/Baroque_Mus!.!.!. - Cached

Baroque Music Resources
Acadia Early Music: Baroque Music Resources!. !.!.!. The Baroque Ideal-a brief
discussion of some principal concepts of Baroque Music; Doctrine of Affections !.!.!.

There is plenty more like the above - simply type these words into your Google slot !. !. !. !. baroque music

Finally - J!.S!.Bach - magnificent