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Position:Home>History> What are the reasons western countries are ahead of the easterners?

Question: What are the reasons western countries are ahead of the easterners!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you are out of dateWww@QuestionHome@Com

Western countries aren't "ahead" of Asian countries!.

Whoever told you that is filthy liar and could use a good punch in the balls!.

Westerners think they're better than everyone, but we're just more wasteful and hedonistic, not to mention totally spiritually perverted, unlike the few Asian nations who have manage to keep their religion in tact!.

Think about it: what do you consider "ahead"!? better technology!? Well look where all our technology has come from over the past couple decade!.!.!.Japan! And where does all our stuff come from!? China! And what about our beloved cartoons!? Korea! We aren't any more advanced than them, just more ethnocentric!. (-:

And where's Africa in all this!? East or West!? I think you could safely say we're more advanced than most african nations, if you wanted to make the comparison!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, this is a slightly misguided question!. What do you mean!? Who says the west is "ahead" of the east!? Do you mean financially, spiritually, culturally, technologically!? And where is the "east"!? Asia is a very large and very diverse region, as is North and South America!. One reason may not apply to all!. Please Specify!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Every time you see someone from these places they are stood with their hands reaching out for freebies instead of getting off their backsides and seeing to themselves they expect someone else to do everything for them!.

Usually, we help out only to see the same hands again wanting something more a few months later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they tend to live in the past, they seem to be happy living in mud huts and shacks with there animals instead of dragging themselves into the 21st century!. governments lining their own pockets and religion have a lot to do with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Imperialism!. Most of the western countries went out and claimed colonies all over the world for resources to further their own economy!. That's how they got their head start!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are they, I thought virtually all technology came from places like China and Japan!. They also have some of the fastest growing economies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because the technology is created in the west and the east just mass produce it at a cheaper cost than the west!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



One word!. "Forks"!. Think about it ;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not quite sure why this should be, because back in the 11th and 12th Cs the Muslim Scholars were way ahead of anything in Western Europe in terms of science!. In Damascus in 1200-and something, the scholars there had already discussed what might happen if it were possible to split a single atom!. They decided that it would cause the total destruction of the city!.

The Arabs named the stars

The decline of Islamic science

The above site explains one reason for the decline of Islamic science!.

Muslim science & Neil Armstrong (Arabic with Eng!. subs)

Here in the West (Europa) - I think the Catholic Church did much damage to science!. I do not want to get embroiled in an argument about this, but we all know of the Inquisition and anyone who did not obey the Church's rulings ended up getting mangled and that included many clever people of science who were simply classified as 'heretics'!. This vile activity was continued until c1801 when Napoleon put an end to it!.

It is the Western Protestant countries such as Britain and Germany, who in the 17th & 18th Cs surged forward in terms of science!.

More especially too in France from the Revolution on a great flowering of the intelect - now unstoppable by religious fanatics!.

You will notice that even today it is the Catholic Church and to some extent also, American Protestant Christians who are standing in the way of scientific advance!.

The people argue to pretend that they are the descendants of our Greek Philosophers who gave considerable thought to issues of morality and so forth!.

No!. These modern opposers to the advancement of science are in the sway of Rome!.

So that the problem of the advancement of science and knowledge again is stuck!.

Look at this next website and see what happens when people do not interfear with the advancement of discovery and science!.

Anything that grows can convert into oil

The above is the way forward!. It means that we will no longer have to grow millions of acres of food crops to convert to ethanol, but instead we can use what we throw away, the chaff, the skins and so forth, to make fuel!.

None of this would be possible here in UK, where I believe science is thought of as something to do with witchcraft!. In some ways UK is very backward!. The people are clever and inventive, but nothing they invent ever comes to anything much because there is a 'priesthood' of witchfinder civil servants standing in the way!.

Let me be specific!. Rolls Royce had a rocket capable of putting a man on the Moon in the 1950s!. Blue Streak - read about it! What happened!? The UK!.gov cancelled it's development!.

Public Information Films | 1951 to 1964 | Film index | The Blue !.!.!.
This utilised the Blue Streak rocket as the first-stage of a composite space vehicle designed to deploy satellites in orbit!. This project was intended as a !.!.!.