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Position:Home>History> Who are the freemasonry? What are their rituals and beliefs?

Question: Who are the freemasonry!? What are their rituals and beliefs!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am a Freemason!.

Freemasonry is a social fraternity that studies morality (as taught in the Bible) through ritual, symbol and allegory!. Our main tenets are faith, hope, charity and brotherly love; we provide more charity than any other group on the planet!.

You can read any of the rituals, modes of recognition, etc online!. There are no secrets, and the conspiracies are only good for selling books and movies!.

to some others:

* obviously what Drake says is nonsense

* female freemason - interesting, either a co-masonic body, eastern star or an irregular or clandestine lodge (from the UGLE point of view at least)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not so sure exactly who they are now, but I know they still exist!. I stayed at a hotel for a debate tournament in high school once, and we happened to be sharing the hotel with a large group of female freemasons!. It was very interesting, to say the least!.

From what I remember from my high school textbook---and this was just my textbook, mind you---they were a secret society whose hey-day was in the mid 1700s!. Originally a fraternity, thier membership often included powerful people!. Many forefathers of the United States were rumored to be Freemasons!. The "common folk," as it were, didn't trust them much!. There was a lot of anti-Mason sentiment, even up until the 1870s!. People thought, as some do now, that these "secret societies" were the real controlling force behind the US government, and wanted them stopped!.

Philosophy-wise, they championed a lot of Enlightenment ideals, the pursuit of knowledge, and the idea of a Supreme Being!. They also stressed moral and ethical behavior!. I would imagine that they still support the moral aspect of things, but I don't really know!.

Symbols include mason's tools, like the famous square and compass, and other things associated with Solomon's Temple and the construction therof!. Rings are also a symbol of belonging!. Other Masons I've met are identifiable by thier rings!.

As for rituals, I know they were a big deal in the 1700s!. Based on what I saw at the hotel, I'd say they continue to be pertinent today as well, but as I'm not a Freemason I can't really say!. And, of course, I have no idea what they are, either!. I freely admit my ignorance here, all around!.

If you're looking for information, I'd start with this:
!.!.!.And then hit your local library!. I'd wager that there are a number of interesting nonfiction books on this subject, especially how it relates to early American history!.

However, as it's still an active and secretive institution, I don't know what you'll be able to find that would speak to thier actual rituals, traditions, and beliefs!. Good luck to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They have many beliefs and rituals!. And strictly speaking they don't exist because "The Freemasons" are a group of rich bankers who drink a tea made out of toxic mushrooms!. After a short sleep they pee in a dish and the lower initiates drink it and get high!.Www@QuestionHome@Com