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Position:Home>History> Has any artifacts been found from the war at Thermopylae? The 300 war?

Question: Has any artifacts been found from the war at Thermopylae!? The 300 war!?
have they found like spears or shield helmets!. I know the war was in 480bcWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think they found what they named the bust of Leonidas , a shield and helmet , but I do not remember if they were found at that geographical location !.
Good luck with a subject that I have long been fascinated by before the movie popularized(And bastardized - first denotation); this signal event in history !. (Read the account by Herodotus of the battles !.)
Both PBS and the History Channel produced several documentaries that included the signal victory of the Athenian Admiral Themistocles during the battle of Salamis !. Both of these combined efforts relied one upon another for success or otherwise !. !. !.
Again , good luck !

You mean the battle at Thermopylae!. It was only part of a larger war!.

Yes, they have found quite a lot from that battle including a hill where the remainder of the 300 made their last stand being absolutely covered in arrow heads!.Www@QuestionHome@Com