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Position:Home>History> In London in 1851 in homes of a wealthy family was there: flushing toilets, elec

Question: In London in 1851 in homes of a wealthy family was there: flushing toilets, electricity!? things of that nature
I need the information for a story I'm writing and I'd rather get all my answers in one place than having to google it all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They did have oil burning lamps (whale blubber was the best source for this) but there was no electricity and there was also no flush toilets!. In New York City, for example, in 1900, so 50 years after your year, they had only 10,000 flush toilets for over a million residents, so basically less than one for every 100 people, and that was 50 years later!. Much of what we think of as 'modern' doesn't come in until the 1880s-1910s!. They did live in huge houses, at times, multiple rooms and bedrooms!. They threw lavish parties and had a great range for foods!. They cooked on wood or coal burning stoves and heated with coal, which made all of London black with the suit and at times killed thousands of people when the soot mixed with the fog and damp!. It wasn't good to be rich then, really; it was awful to be poor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they would have had gas lamps, and a stove (range) to cook on, which would also heat water!. not sure about the flushing toilet, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com