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Position:Home>History> Is it me, or is the History section being used about 90% for homework and cram s

Question: Is it me, or is the History section being used about 90% for homework and cram study sessions!?
Sorry, but I think this should be primarily used as an open forum to discuss historical events, whether it is of high impact or just trivial/recreational!. That said, please do your own research and have a little respect for the world's history in hopes that one day you'll develop an appreciation of it!.

!.!.!.Ok, I'm off my soapbox!.!.!.enjoy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh, yeah, 90% is about what my guess is!. I have been doing this for only a few weeks!. I felt exactly like you after a few days!. I simply ignore the lazy kids!. Then of course there are the ignorant "experts" and wiseguys that give kids wrong answers!. I will correct that!.
I won't answer people that ask a question based on their own racsism ,crackpot ideas or conspiracy theories that they want affirmed!.
I do enjoy giving kids and their parents ideas for projects, relating my personal experiences, and setting the merely confused kids in the right direction!.
Yes, it is messed up that we get warnings from yahoo when we scold a slacker,even in a kind way!.
There is plenty of room on my soap box if you need it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've only done this for a few days!. I ignore the obvious or poorly phrased questions - on occasion I'll tell the poster their question is way too broad!. "Everything about middle-class Victorian morals!?" Whole books have been written on the subject!. What makes the kid think he'll cover it in a ten-page paper!? Kudos for taking on something ambitious, but sometimes-

I use this forum to drill myself on how to deal with the stranger questions I receive at living histories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's not you!.

even in the homework section it's amazing how many kids think "homework help" means "do my homework for me!."

there is a marked difference between "i'm doing a paper on bla bla bla and i can't find this one fact, can someone tell me!?" and "please write my essay for me!." in the former case, i wouldn't even mind if they put it here instead of homework help!. i don't think there should BE a homework help section!. i think homework questions should be in the category appropriate for the question, but the above distinctions should be made!.


I totally agree!.!.!.and what irritates me even more is getting violation notices when people don't like being told to do their own homework
I've got no problem with "I don't understand x,y or z"
or "I've read, but not sure about (whatever)"


"History !? wut iz dis!?!?!!? anzer in furm ov 12 paragraf plzzzzzz I gives u 10pts if u do"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't bother with the questions that can be googled and looked up on wikipedia!. I answer the ones that ask, "do you remember" or "what was it like during X!."

It's only anecdotal information, but the personal side can be quite interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Amen, brother! (lol)
I get tired of seeing that crap!. I don't mind helping someone who needs help w/ ideas for a project, but I don't want to waste my time doing someone's homework for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Is it me, or is the History section being used about 90% for homework and cram study sessions!? "

!.!.!.!.You're only just noticing this now!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

you're right !.!.!. it's easier to come on YA to get answers than it is to look things up!. although you could get the wrong answer here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yahoo Answers is not meant to be a forum for discussion of anything!. It's just for asking and answering questions!.

And in general, the only ones who have questions about history are people who need the information for school!. History doesn't have a lot of practical applications!.Www@QuestionHome@Com