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Position:Home>History> Can you interpret the different meanings in these paragraphs? They're not lo

Question: Can you interpret the different meanings in these paragraphs!? They're not long- i'm just not sure!?
Ok!. Source K:

There is widespread belief that the calamity wrought by the Nazis in WWII brought the civilised world to vote for the establishment of a Jewish State!. There can be no greater mistake!. The destruction of 6 million Jews in Europe was the most dreadful blow to the Jewish state!.

and Source L:

Israel was born after the greatest catastrophe in Jewish history!. But for Hitler, Israel could not have been born when and as it was!.

So, basically, what is the key difference betweeen these 2 interpretations (other than the years)!? Because I'm not sure!.!.!.!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Source K makes the claim that creation of the state of Israel was not propelled by the Second World War and the Holocaust (and that the death of 6 million was a great loss to the new state) but was inevitable!.

Source L makes the claim that Israel would not have been created without the Holocaust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

both sources says the same thing!. source k and source L says that after the holocaust and the destruction of jews, the country of isreal was born!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
