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Position:Home>History> How many front where there is world war one?

Question: How many front where there is world war one!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It will depend what you define as front line!. Some of them shifted considerably!. There were four major front lines: Western, Italian, Balkans, and Eastern Front!.
Western front cut from Belgium down to France to Swiss borders and was scene of war between Germany against France, UK, USA and Belgium!.
Italian front was from Tyrolean Alps to Adrian Sea and was waged between Austria-Hungary against Italy!.
Balkan front is less defined since it moved from Belgrade to Thessaloniki throughout the war and between Bosnia river Drina and Serbian River Morava!. It was waged between Austria-Hungary and predominantly Serbia and Montenegro!. However, it also involved Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, Greece, UK, and Russia!.
Eastern Front stretched from Baltic to Black Sea what is current Latvia, Poland, and Ukraine!. It was fought by Germany and Austria-Hungary against Russia!.

There were also other theaters of WWI, such invasion of Ottoman Empire in Middle East, but I am not aware that these campaigns had any trench front line like had these four lines in Europe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't need any more answers!. Moravian summed it up beautifully!. The British did have some actions going on in the Iraq region against turks but it was of little consequence except to set a precedent for western powers meddling in the centuries long struggles between middle eastern counties!.Www@QuestionHome@Com