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Position:Home>History> What did the Nazis do to pregnant women?

Question: What did the Nazis do to pregnant women!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the doctors would cut them open and take the fetus to do exams and such things

they would do that to everywoman at any time during pregancy to see results a differnt lvs if you understand me like 2 weeks 5 weeks 23 etc

yes i no its horrible but that help extreamly in advancements in health and scienceWww@QuestionHome@Com

In concentration camps, Nazis sent REALLY pregnant women automatically to the gas chambers!. If they were still able to do labor, they would be sent to the barracks and would be subjected to hard labor!. Once their condition became an obstruction to the labor, they would be "selected" to go to the gas chambers!.

On the other hand, Nazis LOVED German pregnant women!. The Nazi ideology was to spread the German race, and that meant having more babies!. (In particular, "strong baby boys" but in general, more babies!.) There was even awards (different crosses) given to mothers with a lot of children!. There was ranks (like if you have 4 kids, you get this colored cross, if you have 6, you get this colored cross) and the German women wore their crosses with pride!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That depends upon which pregnant women you are referring to!.
If you meant German citizens, the Nazis employed various compensation schemes to encourage pregnancies, not unlike the child tax credits in modern day America!.
If you meant non-citizens, or mixed race Germans, the Nazis at various times did nothing to make these pregnant women's lot easier, or encouraged abortions, or even sterilized them at various times in the Third Reich!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They weren't really much help being pregnant, so i'm pretty sure they were probably killed!. Remember, when they sent the Jews to inspection, depending on a lot of things like their health, gender, strength, etc!. determined whether they were worth putting to slave camps or just killed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simply put, they would throw them into a pit of flames!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow that just gave me a flash back my great grandpa was a nazie wowWww@QuestionHome@Com