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Position:Home>History> Does anyone know why a Salon during the Enlightment would have been significant

Question: Does anyone know why a Salon during the Enlightment would have been significant in 18th century Europe!?
Where people would talk about like issues&stuff!.!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
These were run by well educated wealthy women who liked to have a variety of friends for the purpose of stimulating conversation away from court spies!. In an age where there were no telephones and very few newspapers (as of yet), communicating with other intellectuals was important!. This could and was done by mail as well, but this was slow (very) and mail could be read at any point along the route!. There were coffeehouses, but who knew what spy was sitting within earshot!. Atheism was a big topic, as was limiting the power of the king!.
Intellectuals needed polite debates because not everyone can see the flaws in his arguments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com