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Position:Home>History> HELP! Greek Gods and Godesses?

Question: HELP! Greek Gods and Godesses!?
Explore the gods of the ancient Greeks!. Provide some examples of how their beliefs impacted their lives

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would start off with your major gods!.!.!. Zeus (lightning!.!.!.king of the gods), Hera (fertility), Athena (wisdom), Aphrodite (love), Hermes (messenger god), Hephaestus (the hearth!.!.fire!.!.!.he made armor that kinda stuff), Hades (underworld), Poseidon (sea)!.!.!. And in a nutshell!.!.!. Greek society was a polytheistic one!.!.!.and their beliefs affected every aspect of their society from marriage to wars!. If the land was barren or there was a bad harvest!.!.!.you would pray extra hard to Demeter for better crops!. You would pray to Poseidon for calm seas!. Make a sacrifice to Ares (war) so that you would win a battle!. Before any king did anything he would consult his oracle (who supposedly had the ear of the gods)!.!.!.and they would prophesize this and that!. Which could lead to an abuse of power by priests!. A priest could say oh!.!.!.Zeus says you have to go to war with that country!. And the King would just because "Zeus supposedly said"

So start off with a major God and what they rule!.!.!.then say how that affects an aspect of life!. Have funWww@QuestionHome@Com

Do your own homework!.Www@QuestionHome@Com