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Position:Home>History> What historical events happened on my birthday?? September 26.?

Question: What historical events happened on my birthday!?!? September 26!.!?
my birthday is on September 26, 1991!. The year isn't too important!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sept 26th of various years!.

1984 United Kingdom agrees handover of Hong Kong!.
1969 The Beatles album Abbey Road is released in the UK!.
1950 Indonesia admitted to the United Nations!.
1890 US stops minting $1 & $3 gold coin & 3!. piece
1783 Fayette County, Pennsylvania created
1687 The Parthenon in Athens is partially destroyed after an explosion caused by the bombing from Venetian forces led by Morosini who were besieging the Ottoman Turks stationed in Athens!.
1580 Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the globeWww@QuestionHome@Com