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Position:Home>History> History Study Guide questions?

Question: History Study Guide questions!?
Well I need to know this for a History Test tomorrow!.

1!. Describe the Brown vs!. Board of Education court case!.

2!. What lesson did African Americans learn during the Montgomery Bus Boycott!?

3!. What was the result of the bus boycott!?

4!. Describe the Hernandez vs!. Texas case!.

5!. What are the similarities/differences between MLK and MX!?

6!. What was the CRA of 1964!?

7!. What is the NAACP!?

THANKS SO MUCH!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Brown vs!. Bboard of Education was that segregation, even if it was equal, was not constitutional!.
2!. If you boycott "en masse" it can help your protest!.
3!. Stopped segregation on buses!.
4!. That minorities should be part of the jury pool for sitting on trials!.
5!. The similarities are that they were both black and they both were working for civil rights!. The differences were how they went about doing it!. MLK did it peacefully and MX did it violently!.
6!. Outlawed segregation in schools and other public places!.
7!. National Association For the Advancement of Colored People!. It was a group formed to work for civil rights for African Americans who were called "colored" people at that time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com