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Position:Home>History> Why did Bush let people suffer in New Orleans, instead of helping or letting the

Question: Why did Bush let people suffer in New Orleans, instead of helping or letting the great Hugo Chavez help them!?
Hugo Chavez offered to send aid for the Katrina Victims, but was denied, why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This sort of behaviour is common among political conservatives - their aim is to not allow their "enemy" to do anything which might cast him in a favourable light!. Chavez' generous offer was rebuffed simply because Bush doesn't want anyone to think that Chavez is anything less than a monster!.

Similarly, a few years ago, political conservatives stymied efforts by death-row inmates to offer their organs to dying patients in need of transplants, because to do so might have led someone to think positive thoughts about the inmates!. Better that someone needing a transplant should die, than that! (according to Bush and his ilk)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The city had been completely evacuated by Spetmeber 7th and there was no need for the type of assistance offered by Venezuala!. The belated offer was probably also not sincere and was most likely nothing more than an attempt to embarass the USA!.

Note that aid WAS accepted from a variety of foreign sources during Katrina!.

Do realize that disaster response was a constitutionally-mandated responsibility + authority of state government - NOT of the federal government!. Then-Governor Blanco (a Democrat) was the official who refused to accept the federalization of the response, and hundreds died as a result!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One will curiously note that Bush did not "let people suffer" in New Orleans!. The problems were not a lack of action but a lack of competency on the part of the organization that was supposed to help!.

Of course, when you build a costal city BELOW sea level, you should expect to have constant flooding problems!.

As for Hugo Chavez!.!.!. he is Hugo Chavez!. This really shouldn't be an issue!. Accepting his aid could have been viewed as condoning his Stalin-esq behavior!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because he and his FEMA appointment (his cronies) are incompetent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He didn't want the US to appear weak in the eyes of the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com