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Position:Home>History> Does this this deserve more looking into?

Question: Does this this deserve more looking into!?
It seems to me that Hitler borrowed some of his philosophy from Islam, the anti-semitism would be the most obvious point!. Hitler called Germans "Aryans!." A more accurate description of an Aryan is a middle eastern person!. Iran is a derivative of the word Aryan!. also, swastikas are ancient symbols found in Iran!. Are these good points, or just coincedences!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are confused on a couple of points!.
Arabs as well as Jews are among the Semitic peoples!. This terminology is based on the similar roots of both the Arabic and Hebrew languages as well as shared oral history!.
The Aryans are believed to be an old and rather diverse group of peoples that seem to have had a common ancestry somewhere around the Black Sea in prehistory!.The languages that the Aryan peoples had and the languages that have evolved from them are part of the Indo-European language group!. That's all!. Some Aryans moved west into Europe and were forerunners of Greeks,Celts,Goths,Slavs,Latins etc!. Others went Southeast and were the forerunners of the Hittites, Medes, Persians, and some of the ethnic groups of Northern India!.
Hitler spun a yarn of half assed mythology to pump up his and his nation's damaged egos!. That's allWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not sure where you're going with this, but I can tell you that swastikas are indeed ancient symbols!.

However, they are much more varied than the Nazi symbol, and they can be found all around the world at various points in history!. According to Wikipedia anyway, the symbol was found on objects from Paleolithic and Neolithic times!.

If I remember correctly, before the Nazis got ahold of it, the swastika was a symbol for "good luck," referred to the sun, and stood for a host of other positive things!. Try Wikipedia for more if you want: http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Swastika, or this site: http://history1900s!.about!.com/cs/swastik!.!.!.

As for the rest, I'm not sure where you're going with those other points!.

Do you mean to imply that somehow Hitler's philosophy and actions can be traced back to Islamic viewpoints!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No they are not good points and you are wasting braind power even talking about them!. You are repeating stuff that was made up without any basis in fact!. This and similar drivel circulates around every few years!. It is the fodder of conspiracy theorists and radicals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com