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Position:Home>History> I need your opinion!!!!!! US history question.?

Question: I need your opinion!!!!!! US history question!.!?
Tomorrow in my history class, we are supposed to start on a 3 page assignment on what we think caused the Civil War!. I know that economics was a factor but I don't necessarily think it is a cause!. The only 2 other reasons that historians think is slavery and states rights!. I'm torn between which two I should write my essay about!. What do you guys think is the major cause and why!? I just can't decide! Convince me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is all about money!. Slavery was an economic issue that became a social issue!. The trade in King Cotton, as it was known, was highly dependent on a a supply of plentiful and cheap labor!.

Constantly planting cotton in the same ground exhausted the needed nutrients, so the continued existence of the crop depended on expanding to new land, i!.e!. the new territories!. When this was banned, the Southern way of life, meaning its economy was doomed!.

The slavery and states rights issues were each offshoots of the facts of economics and agriculture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could write your essay on all the causes of the war because the economic problems and slavery both fall under states rights!. The southern states were irritated that the federal government was trying to dictate what they could and could not do!. This was especially prevalent with the issue of slavery, but there were also other laws that certain states did not agree with!. Another big point was taxes!. After the War of 1812 the federal government was in debt!. In order to pay for the war new taxes were doled out!. Some of the states were not happy about these taxes (notably South Carolina and John C!. Calhoun) and came up with plans to refuse to pay the taxes!. In an endeavor to free themselves from what they deemed to strong of a federal government Southern States seceded from the Union causing the Civil War!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

slavery, the south couldn't survive without cheap laborWww@QuestionHome@Com

slavery is definetly itWww@QuestionHome@Com

slavery is itWww@QuestionHome@Com