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Position:Home>History> Why would the Congress adopt Andrew Johnson's plan for reconstruction?

Question: Why would the Congress adopt Andrew Johnson's plan for reconstruction!?
I have to write an essay about this, please provide correct information, I will reward you 10 points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"When the Civil War began, Johnson was the only Senator from a Confederate state who did not leave Congress to return to the South!. During the war, he joined Republicans and pro-war Democrats in the National Union party!. In 1862, Union military forces captured enough of Tennessee for Lincoln to name him as the remnant state’s military governor!. In 1864, Lincoln selected him as his Vice Presidential running-mate on the National Union ticket!. Johnson delivered his inaugural address while inebriated, lending credence to the rumors that he was an alcoholic!. Within six weeks of taking office as Vice President, Johnson succeeded to the Presidency after Lincoln’s assassination!. The new President faced the difficult situation of developing a policy for the postwar reconstruction of the Union!. Committed to limited government and a strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution, Johnson’s Reconstruction plan allowed the former Confederate states to return quickly to the Union!. This would have left the civil rights of the former slave completely under the auspices of the former slave-owners!.

"Incensed at these policies, Radical Republicans in Congress wrestled control of Reconstruction from the president and began passing their own program over Johnson’s vetoes!. The implementation of military districts and supervision across the South in 1867 piqued the president to aid Southern resistance and to attempt to thwart the process by firing Secretary of State Stanton, who was cooperating with Radical Republicans!. Stanton’s removal violated the recent Tenure of Office Act and prompted the Republican-controlled House to impeach the president!. The Senate trial resulted in his acquittal by one vote!."


"limited government and a strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution" would not have prevented the confirmation of the civil rights of the blacks!. The war itself changed the Constitutionality of some parts of the Constitution, or else for what purpose did the North fight!?

But anti-reconstruction laws and jurists forced the 14th and 15th Amendments!. The 14th created a new citizen called "citizen of the United States!." This gave each person dual citizenship!. Under Federalism, he had citizenship in his state; citizenship was not necessary to have in the Federal government!. But making such a "citizen" wiped out the word "white" from all State constitutions and was thought to be the only way for the Federal government to have control over the granting of civil rights, which Southern states were loath to grant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Johnson's "plan" for Reconstruction was VERY LIBERAL and Congress during the time was VERY RADICAL!. After having fought a terrible Civil War, Congress (which comprised of Northern Unionists - since all the Southerners had left after seeccsion) wanted the South to PAY!. But Lincoln, who died before Reconstruction began, wanted to repair the Union as quickly as possible, and pretty much "get on with it!." He didn't want to spend a bunch of time punishing the South - it wasn't as though he welcomed the South with open arms, but he made the process of re-entering the Union quite simple!. After his death, Johnson advocated Lincoln's policy - he also added in some of his own policies (presidential pardons, and a liberal plan to readmit the Southern State)!. So technically, it was want Lincoln wanted, but Congress would not have it - they wanted the South to PAY big time, and only then they would allow the South to return!. While they did want to rebuild the Union, they also wanted the South to gain insight from their errors!. Congress and Johnson DID NOT have a good relationship (he was even impeached!.) Good luck with your essay!Www@QuestionHome@Com

funny I was just watching a great PBS documentary on reconstruction on youtube, might help you out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They didn't adopt Johnson's plan, which was much like Lincoln's!. The radical Republicans came up with their own which put the South under Military Occupation for the next 12 years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you mean like the indian romuval act or the jackson purchaseWww@QuestionHome@Com