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Position:Home>History> What happened during the series of Crusades?

Question: What happened during the series of Crusades!?
Please can I hae a simple sumarised answer!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First Crusade - An attempt to recapture Jerusalem from the Muslims launched in 1095!. Christians won!.
Second Crusade - 1145 - Launched again by Europe after the Muslims invaded this little country called Edessa!. It was spearheaded by France and Germany!. At the end, the Christians lost Jerusalem
Third Crusade - 1189 - An attempt to recapture Jerusalem from Saladin (he was a Sultan!.!.!.ever watch that Movie Kingdom of Heaven with Orlando Bloom) Led by England and France!. Jerusalem remained under Muslim control but Christians could make pilgrimages without being attacked!.
Fourth Crusade - 1202 - Someone decided to conquer Jerusalem again (see the recurring theme) coming up through Egypt but instead Crusaders of the West conquered a Christian city Constantinople!. This led to the Great Schism (the division of Eastern Orthodox Church from the Roman Catholic Church)

There will be several more crusades with all the same intent!.!.!. who gets to control the Holy Land/Jerusalem!. It was a series of wars between Christians (from European countries) and Muslims!.!.!.!. which technically still goes on today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Western nations, mostly led by France, repeatedly (each Crusade) tried to remove Moslem control of Jeruslaem and surrounding areas mentioned in the Bible!. They were successful enough to create the Kingdom of Jerusalem for a century or so, but ultimately the Moslems prevailed, holding the area until the Israelis kicked their butts out after 1947!.Www@QuestionHome@Com