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Position:Home>History> Was the Unabomber a genius, a lunatic, or a little bit of both?

Question: Was the Unabomber a genius, a lunatic, or a little bit of both!?
I saw this special on TV last night about the Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski!. Before he devoted his life to terrorism, he was a brilliant student with huge potential!.

His life and ideology interested me, so I decided to read the manifesto he wrote!. It contained some fascinating ideas, which I whole heartedly agree with!.

He believed that technology was destroying our world; not just from an environmental standpoint, but from a cultural one as well!.

He believed that an anti-industrial revolution was necessary to stop the detrimental growth of technology and its corrosive effects on society!.

Was this man a genius revolutionary or simply a madman!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He was desperate!. He felt there was no way to get his message to a wide audience other than to use violence!. He didn't really care about hurting people, and that wasn't his main intention!. He wanted attention so that he could get his manifesto published and known well enough that maybe a few people would read it!.

He is however, confused!. It is not technology which is the greatest threat to society!. It is capitalism!. He severely confuses the two!.

He is however, quite intelligent and wasn't just a student, but also a professor and had a doctorate in mathematics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most people that kill a lot of others (serial killers, bombers, dictators) are above average in their intelligence!.

It takes a level of brilliance to pull off things like that!. You have to make the proper preparations to pull off the deed, execute it without being caught, and then evade identification or capture!.

That being said, they are also sick!. I wouldn't call them insane or lunatics, because they have to be pretty well rational to do what they do!. The word that describes it best is "evil!."

I don't care what your message is, if you're willing to kill a bunch of innocent civilians to get it across, you're evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was the worst kind of criminal: a lunatic geniusWww@QuestionHome@Com

the line between genius and madness!.!.!.!.!.

shame he couldn't have used that noggin for something more worthwhile than blowing up and terrorizing peopleWww@QuestionHome@Com