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Position:Home>History> Seeing as the emancapation proclamation only freed slaves in the southern states

Question: Seeing as the emancapation proclamation only freed slaves in the southern states!?
and not any of the slaves in the northern states can it be said that America's impression of itself as a freedom loving and granting country is falseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I find this question highly intresting because it points out the uselessness of the Emancipation Proclamation when it was intially issued!. In school we're too often taught that Lincoln issues the Emancipation and it instantly frees all slaves!. Ah, but they never actually let us read it until much later in school!. So we never see that it says states rebeling from the government!. In otherwords, states that have seceeded, the Confederacy!. The very states at that time the federal government didn't have any control over!. The border states were deliberatly left out of the Emancipation least it lead to their secession!. It was only when an area of the Confederacy was captured and held by Union forces that it had any effect in that area, and even then not all Union commanders enforced it!.

Should slavery have been ended in this country!? Absolutely!. But the Emancipation Proclamation wasn't really designed to do so!. It was desgined to be aimed at the states in open rebellion as a means to make them more unlawful for not obeying the federal government's wishes!. Had it been otherwise it would have immediately abolished slavery in the border states and then targeted slavery in those areas of the Confederacy captured by the Union forces, being enforced by all Union commanders!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There were no slaves in the Northern States!. That's what all the slaves tried to migrated to the north, above the mason dixon line!. Many used the underground railroad!.

So in answer to your question, it's seems like an unformed question!. Sorry

Would give you any info I could but your statment is wrong!.

Good Luck, JackieWww@QuestionHome@Com

Delaware, Maryland , Kentucky and Missouri were the States that held slaves and did not cede from the Union!. In my studies I have never found that they did so because of military force!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Emancipation Proclaimation was an Executive Order issued by President Lincoln late in 1862, which he was allowed to do as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy under Article II, section 2 of the US Constitution!.

There were pro-slavery people in the North as there were anti-slavery people in the south!. This was particularly evident in border states like Kentucky and Tennessee!. President Lincoln used the legal remedies available to him to end slavery throughout the US, but it took 3 years to complete!.

ALL legal slavery ended in the United States upon the ratification of the 13th Amendment, in 1865!. (At the end of our Civil War) This amendment was signed by all 27 States and territories!.

13th Amendment to the US Constitution:
Section 1!. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction!.
Section 2!. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation!.

In the US, when a Constitutional Amendment is ratified, it becomes the law throughout the land!.

Obviously, not all Americans were freedom loving and granting at the time, or we might have avoided war amongst ourselves!. Hundreds of thousands of Americans gave their lives to rid the United States of slavery!.

In the end, we became a Freedom Loving and Granting Country!.


Even in light of your Additional Information: No, it cannont be said that America's impression of itself as a freedom loving and granting country is false!.

Freedom in America cuts both ways!. There are probably still a few people in the deep south that would like to have slavery reinstated!. They are free to try to change the laws in their favor, but I doubt they'll have much luck!.

Americans are free to guide themselves in whatever direction they deem appropriate!. Majority wins!. I don't know a more fair way of employing government in a free society!. Do you!?

The issue of slavery has been hotly contested in America since 1776 and before!. Thomas Jefferson, with no legal mandate, freed his slaves!. He and John Adams stood firm that all men, including slaves, in America should be free!. They were compelled to relent at the suggestion of Ben Franklin in order to assure that all 13 colonies would band together as one nation!. The south would have never agreed, at that time, to give up slavery and would have been forced to remain loyal to King George!.Www@QuestionHome@Com