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Position:Home>History> Who are some cool famous Americans that had an effect on another nation?

Question: Who are some cool famous Americans that had an effect on another nation!?
Im doing a project for history about an american that had an influence in another country!. Im looking for someone or something interesting!. Anybody got any ideas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
General Norman Schwarzkopf seemed to have some influence in the Middle East about 18 years ago, when he chased Saddam Hussain's "Elite Guard" all the way back to Bagdad!. If Congress had let us finish this job 18 years ago, we wouldn't still be losing our American fighting troops today!.

Remember that when you blame Bush about a few thousand soldiers dead!.!.!.!.then, remember 18 years ago when a Democratic Congress told Operation Desert Storm, "mission accomplished, go home!.!.!.!.we don't want to look like bullies of the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nancy , later Viscountess, Astor, from Danville, Virginia, first woman to take a seat in the British House of Commons when she was elected for the constituency of Portsmouth in 1919
T!. S!. Elott, famous novelist, poet and dramatist, born in St!. Louis, who took British citizenship in 1927 after having lived there since his early 20s!. Winner of the Nobel Prize for literature in 1948!.
James McNeill Whistler, celebrated artist , born in Lowell, Mass!. After failing his studies for the army at West Point, he left the US never to teturn!. He settled in London, became a celebrated, controversial even notorious fixture there who breathed fresh air into staid Victorian art, achieving a lasting international reputation then and down to this day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Check out Dr!.Paul Farmer!. He's been responsible for some of the most important health clinics in the world: Haiti, Russia, Peru!. There's a book by Tracy Kidder called 'Mountain beyond Mountain'!. See the websites below!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bell was in the USA when he developed the telephone, but he's usually considered a Scot!.

George Marshall oversaw American military operations during World War II and was crucial in rebuilding postwar Europe; he's the Marshall of the Marshall plan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alexander Graham Bell!. Invented the telephone which the whole world now uses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Benjamin Franklin---FranceWww@QuestionHome@Com

the best people would be someone who was a scientist/artist or writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com