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Position:Home>History> Cann you check my history??

Question: Cann you check my history!?!?
1!. In 1954 Ho Chi Minh became the
pro-American leader of South Vietnam!.
emperor of Vietnam!.
military leader of the Viet Cong!.
Communist leader of North Vietnam!.---------

2!. President Kennedy's goal in Vietnam was to
help North Vietnam win the war!.
prevent the Communists from defeating South Vietnam!. ---------
stop France from colonizing Vietnam!.
keep the American military out of the war!.

3!. When Lyndon Johnson became President he quickly began to
increase the number of American troops in Vietnam!.
negotiate for peace with North Vietnam!.
withdraw American forces from Vietnam!.
end American bombing of North Vietnam!.---------

4!. American soldiers in Vietnam had to deal with
a lack of training!. ---------
surprise attacks and guerrilla warfare!.
poor military equipment!.
working side by side with Communists!.

5!. In fighting the North Vietnamese, the American military used
nuclear weapons!.
traps and land mines!.
bombs and chemical weapons!. ---------
germ warfare!.

6!. In what became known as the My Lai massacre,
American troops killed Vietnamese villagers!.
Ho Chi Minh was assassinated!. ---------
The North Vietnamese capital of Hanoi was bombed!.
Viet Cong soldiers killed American prisoners!.

7!. What role did student activists play in the antiwar effort!?
They refused to participate!.
They helped lead the protest movement!.
They marched in favor of the draft!.
They focused on other civil rights issues!.---------

8!. Many mainstream Americans opposed youth activism because they thought it
was old-fashioned!.
promoted violence!. ---------
threatened traditional values!.
would support drug use!.

9!. As Nixon withdrew American troops from Vietnam, he also
sent troops into China!. ---------
declared a cease-fire!.
expanded the war into Cambodia!.
stopped bombing North Vietnam!.

10!. The Vietnam War ended when
South Vietnam defeated North Vietnam!.
the United States captured most of North Vietnam!.
North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam!. ---------
American troops began withdrawing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Correct
2!. Correct
3!. LBJ immediately began increasing troops
4!. Surprise attacks and guerilla warfare
5!. Correct
6!. American troops killed Vietnamese villagers
7!. They helped lead the protest movement
8!. Threatened traditional values- and also (more than likely) would promote violence
9!. Nixon declared a cease fire
10!. CorrectWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Correct
2!. Correct
4!. Incorrect (the US government did everything they could to prepare them for war, so its not that one)
5!. Correct
6!. Incorrect (Ho Chi Minh was never assassinated, this was an "atrocity" committed by Americans
7!. I think that's incorrect
8!. Incorrect (that option sounds reasonable, but I don't think that's it)
9!. Incorrect (there was never an officially sanctioned invasion of China)
10!. Correct

I'm not going to give you the answers, especially not when you just asked to have them checked!. There you go!.


Wow, two thumbs down, though I managed to say the same things as the guy that gave the free answers!.
No, I wasn't just answering from my opinions, thank you!. That's why I have top contributor status in history!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm at work or i would totally check all these for you, and i'm sure someone will!.!.!. i just wanted to let you know how nice it is to see someone on here actually did their homework and is just getting it double checked instead of asking for all the answers!! :)

P!.S: i think the guy above me is giving his opinion in a couple of the answers that he marked incorrect, so if you looked these up in your history book, and that's what it said, then don't change them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sweety instead of using your computer to ask yahoo answers to give u the answer for your history homework,try using your computer to do some research cause u can't count on people to give u the right answer or any answer all the time, good luck !.!.!.!.a lot of people here are honest but most of them are not!.!.!.I know its your easy way out but is easier to study and get the exact correct answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com