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Position:Home>History> Malaysian traditional game T.T?

Question: Malaysian traditional game T!.T!?
I'm doing a portfolio about a malaysian traditional game called congkak!.!.!. who is the man who invented it!? what's the story of the man and how did he invent it!?!?!?

the first to answer this and satisfy me will get 10 points in a snapWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I do know that Congkak is a similiar version of the game I have played in the U!.S!. called Mancala!. It is also called Dakon in Indonesia and Sungka in the Phillipines!.!.Sorry but I never could find the inventer of the game, I know that his last name is Ting thought if I remember right!.!.!.Hope it helps out a little bit! thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com