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Position:Home>History> Ancient China: Is there a difference between dynasties and fuedal states?

Question: Ancient China: Is there a difference between dynasties and fuedal states!?
im confused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, a big one!.

A dynasty is really a succession of rulers from the same family, not a state!. Like a kingdom, if I am made king, and my son is king, and his son is king for a while, we are all of the same dynasty, begun by me!.

A feudal state is a system of governmental control containing fiefs, lords, and vassals!. A lord owned lots of land and gave land to his vassal (or gave him a fief) in exchange for a promise of military service (he would have a personal army and he would go to war for the lord)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com