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Question: Need help with some history!?
does anyone know how i could find out what my old neighborhood used to be (pictures) many many years ago,and
maybe some aerial views too!. it is in Norman OklahomaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The first place I would try would be the local library!. Ask if they have flat files of old drawings or maps that might be helpful!. A book on your town's history or state history would also be ideal, but if you live in a small town, that might be hard to locate, or it might all be text without photos!. Your librarian will know if such a thing is available, or help you find it!.

If not there, your town records office (it would be wherever the building permits and surveys are filed) would probably have something!. They will usually make you copies for a fee, or let you borrow them to make your own copies!. Whether they will do this for you is entirely up to your town's records policy, so this could be easier than the library or harder, but they would definitely have something useful on file!.

Finally, you could ask someone at your school district office or local hospital if they have any old maps or aerials!. Sometimes when institutions like these are being planned or built, they take an aerial photo to help decide where everything will be!.

I hope that helps!. Good luck in your quest! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Google it!. Type in your neighborhood or city, chances are, you'll find something interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com