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Position:Home>History> If the Allies lost D-Day, would we have lost World War II?

Question: If the Allies lost D-Day, would we have lost World War II!?
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The allies had already invaded Europe through Italy!. Germany was getting pushed hard from the East by Russia!. There was no way Germany would have survived!. It just would have taken longer!.

Rommel suggested surrendering to the western allies in order to keep Germany from being occupied by Russia!. If Germany was smart (which they weren't because their leader was a lunatic) they would have used a victory at D-Day to position themselves for better terms in such a surrender!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its possible, but D-Day was to reclaim France and push Germany out!. But it is possible that we could be the United States of Germany is the Japanese had gone through with the 2nd part of the attack on Pearl Harbor!. See after the attack they were supposed to continue to California and attack Sacramento, San Fransico, and 1 other city!. If they had done this they could have marched all the way to i think Indiana before even being shot at!. Then we would have been taken over by Japan, then later Hitler would have turned on Emporer Hirohito like he did Stalin and take the USWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, The Russians were already pushing back into Europe and would eventually defeat Germany!. Besides, the Allies were already through most of Italy!. Would have complicated matters but no, the war would still be won by the Allies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends what you mean by lost D-Day!. If we were ALL eliminated we would have a MAJOR setback and it would take maybe over a decade to win!. If we lost some, I'd say it would be like what happened in 1944!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, it would have been a major set back and perhaps have added another year or two to the war, but good triumphs over evil in the endWww@QuestionHome@Com

No; but Russia would've taken the whole of Germany for itself permanently, not just the eastern bit for forty years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

doubtful!.!.!.!.most likely the Iron Curtain would've reached the Atlantic Coast!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably not, but it may have taken longer to win!.Www@QuestionHome@Com