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Position:Home>History> Who do some people deny that the Holocaust happened?

Question: Who do some people deny that the Holocaust happened!?
i know some neo-nazis say the holocaust never happened but why!?!? hitler was actually proud of what he did to the jews, homosexuals and all the races that he hated!. so why are there some people who deny it even though it happened!?!?
also, what do you think about what Hilter did!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
happy passover to you too!

people deny the holocaust for a number of reasons, one of which i suspect is that it is so horrible, it's hard to believe!. yet in the face of overwhelming evidence and witnesses, how can one not believe!?

so i have to assume most holocaust-deniers are either lying, despite being proud of themselves for being connected in some way with its perpetrators, because the times are not QUITE ripe for public approval of such a thing, or because they have been fooled by the liars!.

i wonder if it would be okay for me to quote a wwii song that was popular in the usa!?

probably not!. so i'll link y'all to the wiki page with the lyrics, and let that stand as my comment (for tonight) on hitler: http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Hitler_Has_!.!.!.


p!.s!. variant one is the version i like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wikipedia article on this is pretty good!.
It's not that they DENIED the fact that millions of people died, although, the Holocaust deniers lower the numbers!. It's that it could have been attributed to other causes, or it wasn't Hitler's fault!. (Take care to separate the true 'revisionists' (those who challenge the facts on a reasonable basis and investigate it) and the deniers (who are, mostly, just plain nuts but might also claim to be revisionists))!.
Hitler was as much a human as anyone else, but trying to construct another Roman empire (he should have known not to invade Russia!.!.!.) and the Holocaust!.!.!.REALLY bad, bad, BAD choices!.

Oh, yes, and the Holocaust actually was NOT totally Hitler's fault!.!.!.many of the European countries were in on it as well, since there was STRONG Anti-Semitic feeling at the time throughout Europe at the time!. That's a reason Hitler wasn't stopped earlier--people didn't think his activities in Germany, even explicitly Anti-Semitic ones, were very serious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the Holocaust was a very naughty thing to have done!. It was so naughty, that not even the Neo-Nazis wish to admit that the Nazis did that!. They are want-to-be Nazis who refuse to accept ALL of what the Nazis did!.

Others are presumably too emotionally immature to accept what happened!. No one in their right mind and with any kind of descent education believes that the Holocaust never happened!.

Do they think 6 million Jews tripped and fell into mass graves outside of barbed wired enclosures designed to protect and house them!?!?

Or, the Anti-Semitic sentiments are not as "gone" as we would like to believe!. Remember that the Semites are not just Jews, but also Arabs, Iraqis, Iranians, and so forth!.

I use the term Nazis for convenience to indicate members of the NSDAP party!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not only that they are in denial but it is also that the people that say this horrid thing never happened wanted to and still want to make the Jews look bad and make the Nazis look like they were the actual victims!.

And a comment to an earlier post, No Hitler didn't hate everyone, just Jews, blacks, anyone with a mental disorder, bi-racial people, and many other!.!.!.!.!. Take a look around, that is quite a big part of the world population!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Before getting offended consider it!.

I don't ever say that horrible things did not happen!. Nor do I support neo-fascists!. However the extremely oversimplified comic book history most people have been fed about what happened is very wrong and making Hitler into a supervillian masks the very real dangers involved in rightwing thinking!.

I think some of it is a reaction to how over claimed the holocaust is!. The honest truth is that Hitler is currently far bigger in the American psyche than he was in life and is presented as a superhuman figure instead of a rather mediocre politician somewhat resembling Bush!.

also the history of the Holocaust as presented denies all of the others that ended up being victims of the Nazi regime, ignores the co-operation between the Stern gang Zionists and the Nazi party or the fact that the Jewish Rabbis in Germany were critical in helping the Germans put the extermination plans into effect!.

So in one way saying the holocaust never happened is true!.
It did not happen like the propagandists today want you to think it did!.
If you understood how it happened you would be a lot more wary of government claims today!.

The true horror of what happened was not the story of an evil mastermind!.
It was the evil of a mediocre but reasonable sounding politician in charge of a country and party who considered themselves to be on a mission from God himself to save the world from Bolshevik communist terrorists!.

The Holocaust was the triumph of law and order thinking over common sense and human decency!.
We have been headed that way again for quite some time now!.

Amanda's first link is interesting in the comments, especially # 9 and #14!.
Her second link I will not honour with a comment!.

Sophie's choice was a novel!. It got warped from what the book was about into just more propaganda when they made the movie!.
A book I would recomend is Hannah Arendt's report;
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil!.


the holocaust is not popular with the majority of people so if they want support for their group they need to denounce it or deny it!. They can't very well denounce it as it goes against their groups beliefs!. They cant say it was wrong when they are supporting racial supremacy!. As for what I think!.!.!. Im glad I am german so if he won i would still be aliveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because Hitler and the Nazis still have many admirers, and there are many people who try to make out that they are not as bad as they have been portrayed!. It is quite absurd, but there is no way of convincing them, because eyewitness acounts, films, photographs etc can't do it, and what else is there!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

people who deny the holocaust's occurence are bigots plain and simple- theyre jealous of the Jews!. What do I think of Hitler!? Indescribable!.!.!.there arent words for such an abominable "thing"!.

Bird brain oops I mean Jesserr I didnt know that killing over 6 million people could be funny!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those nazi fellers where dilligent record keepers & they made accountants look like abstract expressionists!.
Thanks to our lovley corporations like IBM
(IBM and the holocaust)
& other corporate freaks;its well documented!.
Get new boyfreinds!.!.!.!.those f77kers are secretly gay!. really!.

I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe anything a neo-nazi or nazi has to say!.

They were denying it happened when standing in the camps at the end of the war!. While surrounded by the mountains of emaciated corpses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmmm, at first i dodnt really know, but then i realized how many people like to joke about that, so maybe theyre just saying it in a way like "oh, big deal! Its wasnt anything severe!" Or something like that meaning it wasnt too bad!.
I dunno!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

they deny the truth because they are afraid of it!. to see that a human like them was able to produce such horror and to know that these ppl are connected to them in some sort of way scares the living **** out of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

look it did happen but people are aginst the number that was put out they say almost 3!.5 millions where killed which isn't true another word hitlir looked at right jews were about to rule germany just like out here they own newyork the world's money is in there handWww@QuestionHome@Com

Simply put - because there are people out there who will believe any far-out theory, regardless of the evidence!.!.!.

And do you really have to ask what people think about Hitler!? I think its pretty well settled how people view Hitler!.!.!. his name is synonymous with absolute evil!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because some frick nazi's (germans) like to live in denial!.


Try reading William Tyron's Sophie's Choice, then tell me that Holocaust didnt really happen!. Anti-Semitic, the real deniers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Holocaust deniers are without a doubt, 100% anti-Semitic!.

Do you really need to ask the question what (normal) people think of what Hitler did!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

um!.!.!. they're narrow minded, and ignorant!?
I don't know!.
I've never really understood that either!.!.!. Even with the actual survivors of the holocaust still having their tattoos!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wrote my term paper over this topic, and I still cannot understand the reasoning!. Sometimes you just can't make sense out of nonsense!. Know what I mean!? Happy Passover!!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

They want to make Jews look bad and make nazis look like the victims!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you mean why!? cause they're ashamed! & don't want to seem like the bad guys!Www@QuestionHome@Com

cuz some people think it was so bad they act if it has never happenedWww@QuestionHome@Com

It did not happen and there is proof!. Hitler did not hate all races!. He hated the Jews because they were a foreign entity in his homeland destroying his people!. The Jews that did die died because of starvation!. Germany's supply route were cut and they had no food coming in to feed their own people, let alone their prisoners!. I have added a link that shows proof!. It's not even worth my time to argue these views!. Our country is brainwashed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i was going to make a joke saying "because it didnt"!.!.but that would be too wrong!.!.!.im sorry i can't answer thisWww@QuestionHome@Com