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Position:Home>History> Is it true that during WW2 Hitler declaired Mickey Mouse an enemy of the state?

Question: Is it true that during WW2 Hitler declaired Mickey Mouse an enemy of the state!? if so, why!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ehhh!.!.!. not quite!. He banned displays of Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters after America entered WW2 because
1- Disney employed a lot of Jews in their art and writing department
2- Fear they were used as a signal for resistance workers
3- Many bombers decorated their planes (and even their bombs) with pictures of Mickey Mouse/Daffy Duck/ other cartoon characters
He also banned Coke before that and replaced it with a German made soft drink still in existence and sold in the U!.S!. called FANTA!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know Emperor Hirohito of Japan had a Mickey Mouse watch that he got from Disneyland and wore for years :)

Seriously, true story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com