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Position:Home>History> Julius Caesar help... Please help!!10 points best answer?

Question: Julius Caesar help!.!.!. Please help!!10 points best answer!?
1!.An athlete running in the ceremony is: Cassius Antony or Casca
2!.Cassius begins to work his influence upon: Brutus Antony or Caesar
3!.Casca tells of: Caesars swimming of the Tiber; Cassius' plot; or Caesars refusal of the crown
4!.Casca complains to Cicero about: Cassius' plot; Caesars' power; or omnious weather and strange sights
5!.The conspiracy is determined to enlist brutus because of his: athletic powers; oratory; or his virtue
6!.Casca: joins the conspiracy; criticizes cassius; or is struck by lightning
7!.The conspiracy means to influence Brutus by: threats; annonymous notes; or bribes

8!.Brutus insists that the conspirators awear an oath of allegiance
9!.Brutus vetoes cassius' plan to bring caesar to the senate
10!.decius is to be sent to bring caesar to the senate
11!.brutus promises portia that he will tell her his secret plans
12!.the augerers advise caesar to stay home!.
13!.Calphurnia instructs decius to say tat caesar is illWww@QuestionHome@Com

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you aren't asking for help, you are asking to have your homework done for you!.!.!.!.Cicero would be so disappointed in youWww@QuestionHome@Com

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