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Position:Home>History> Who do you consider to be the greatest 'mind' of all time??

Question: Who do you consider to be the greatest 'mind' of all time!?!?
in other words!.!.!.who in the history of the world had the most amazing and brilliant mind!? Who went against the grain and had the hugest impact on our world!? Why do you think that!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think Albert Einstein and Leonardo DaVinci are two of the greatest thinkers of all time!. Einsten had such a phenominal conceptual understanding of mathematics and physics coupled with an unlimited imagination that has given us theories to contemplate for years to come!. I still don't think the world of science/physics has yet to see another phenominal mind as great as Einsteins!. And Leo Davinci was not only one of THE BEST artists of all time, but he was also a brilliant inventor, AND a doctor of anatomy (in his own right)!. A very intellectual man who was ahead of his time!. I think Einstein and DaVinci will be looked up to for years to come - by scientists, physicists, artists, and inventors alike!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Leonardo DiVinciWww@QuestionHome@Com

well, in my opinion, ben franklinWww@QuestionHome@Com

Johannes Gutenberg!. (he invented the printing press in 1440)Www@QuestionHome@Com