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Position:Home>History> One Of The Theorys On 2012?

Question: One Of The Theorys On 2012!?
I heard something about man evolving!?
Can evolution happen again!?
And please no smart *** answers!.
I don't know much about this stuff!.
I see all this bad/weird stuff comeing from a channel that a person learns from!.(history channel, discovery channel ect!.)
Plus I have teachers, that say it will happen!.
That there's proof!.
So, it just freaks me out!.
I mean these people have facts!.
Or they say they do!. I mean it's thier job to know stuff!.
Anyways, if someone can help me out that would be great!.
Plus I'll give you a good rate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Mayan calendar has absolutely nothing to do with evolution!.

Every religion has apocalyptic theories about the end of the known world and start of a new cycle!.

As the person above said, evolution is an extremely slow process!. The basic idea behind evolution is the following:

Every now and then an organism will develop an anomaly!.!.!. say, larger hands for grabbing a branch or poseable thumbs (Your thumb can move in ways most other creature's do not, so you can grab things)!. Through your DNA you will pass it on to your offspring!. If this anomaly benefits you rather than hinders you, you and your offspring will survive, passing on the trait throughout time!. Eventually due to competition for scarce resources, the old version of your species will die out, because your anomaly gave you the upper hand in the war for resources (food/water/ways to escape predators, ect)!.

Sometimes natural things occur, such as the separation of a continent, (such as S!. America and Africa did millions of years ago) splitting one species across two land masses!. The two different species will evolve in different directions!. This can also occur simply because if a species is very successful , it will spread out over a very large area!. Every area is unique, therefore different traits will be more successful!.!.!. different color patterns, larger wings/hands, ect!.

In short, those who evolve are usually the "freaks" of nature!. Survival of the fittest!. Sometimes an organism will change in a way not so good, and the entire species will die out!. Either way it takes thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands to millions of years for this process to occur with any significant results!.!.!. in multicellular organisms at least!. This was severely over simplified, but it's the basic idea!.

So, can evolution happen again to humanity!? The answer is of course, yes, although not as fast as in the "wild!." But don't worry, your kids, grandkids, great great grandkids won't look any different!. As I said these changes take a lot of time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it cant "happen again" as you put it, its always happening, its just so slow that we cant notice!.
We didn't just wake up and have less hair and were able to stand on all fours!. took hundreds/thousands of years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The truth is the Mayans paid someone to carve a calendar in stone!. It took time and they had to pay him!. Eventually they decided he had gone far enough and told him to quit!. They probably planned to hire someone else to continue it later, say in 2000!. Not their fault that they didn't last long!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know much about it either, but the mayans predicted that the world would end in december 2012, and they also predicted WW2 and a bunch of other stuff!. but then again, theres been alot of other people to predict the end of the world in history, and hey, we're still here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Man can keep evolving but this takes time and the changes are slow!. As for 2012 The Maya calender ends on that date!. You either belive it or you don't!. Others also point to that date!. The best thing to do is live your life and see what happens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My Theory:

The Mayans stopped writing the calendar when they reached said day!. They never picked it up again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com