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Position:Home>History> Any important events happen during 1876-1950?

Question: Any important events happen during 1876-1950!?
Is there any events such as the great depression i need things such as inventions or any major events, any info would really help me, i need to make a video "Where ____ Happend"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1876 Sioux Wars climax with Little Bighorn
1898 Spanish American War
1901 Boer War
1903 First powered Flight; San Francisco Earthquake
1912 Sinking of the Titanic; First Balkan War breaks out
1914 - 1918 World War 1
1917 Russian Revolution; Finland gains independence
1918 - 1922 Russian Civil War/Russo-Polish War
1919 - Prohibition starts
1922- The National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP "Nazis") stand for elections for the first time
1924- Mussolini's "March on Rome" establishes the Fascists in power in Italy!. This success inspires Hitler to keep working to take power in Germany!.
1925- Gangs essentially run New York and Chicago, based on the profits of bootlegging liquor
1929- St Valentine's Day Massacre-ending Capone's hold on Chicago; and indirectly weakening gang control of other cities!. (Due to public outrage!.)
1929 - 1935 Stock Market Crash/Great Depression!. Stalin's forced industrialization of the USSR causes death of millions in Belo-Russia, Georgia, and Ukraine!.
1933 - Adolf Hitler obtains Chancellorship of Germany/Stalin begins purges and show trials in USSR
1936 - 1938 Spanish Civil War
1936 Japanese Invade Manchuria and turn south to attack China
1939 - 45 Second World War
1948 - Establishment of NATO, Berlin Airlift
1950 - Korean War begins!.
There should be something there that you can use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

World War I 1914-1918

Russian Revolution 1917

Stock Market Crash 1929Www@QuestionHome@Com

the Emancipation Proclamation
the Assembly Line
the Atomic bomb
the "Roaring '20's"

all kinds more, just can't think of any right nowWww@QuestionHome@Com