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Position:Home>History> Why did Mary I make the changes she did to Enlgand during her reign.?

Question: Why did Mary I make the changes she did to Enlgand during her reign!.!?
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because she didn't like the changes that took place durnig her brothers reign as all his descisions were protestant like! and mary I was a catholic just like her mother!. She changed the churches to be more catholic like by replacing the stained glass windows and by bringing back the statues of the saints!. also, type in the google search: Schoolhistory and that will give you an option to go on this really cool and easy to use website!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


everything you will need for your project i hope :)
very good and easy to use sites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mary was a good Catholic and restored the Roman Catholic church as the official religion of England!. The majority of the population at that time were still Catholic anyway, they had not liked the changes introduced by Henry VIII and Edward VI, and they were quite happy to have the old religion restored!. However, there were a lot of Protestants in London and in the Home Counties, and they were not so happy with things!. A lot of Protestants were executed during Mary's reign, which led to her being given the nickname 'Bloody Mary' by her Protestant subjects!.

Mary had heretics executed because she believed it was better to have heresy stamped out rather than letting it spread!. This was a common point of view in her day!. Most people did not regard religious toleration as a virtue, seeing it rather as indifference!. Allowing heretical ideas to spread was no more considered to be a good thing than we would think it a good thing to allow a deadly disease to spread unchecked!. To most people at that time, heresy was a disease that needed to be stamped out (Protestants and Catholics both felt the same way about this)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com